Friday, July 31, 2015

Mind Set Sabotage Success

Image found on an image search
but this web site no longer exists.
 Anyone who is close to me knows that over the years I have lost and found the same 20 pounds over and over again.

The last fat loss journey came at the beginning of a harsh cold winter that also included both gym locker rooms in a state of "closed for remodeling." Well of course, I hybernated and did not want to drive on Virginia roads with those crazy southern drivers and chance wrecking. Besides, it was inconvenient to go work out, drive all the way home, then drive all the way back into the office as well. Those were my excuses. And I stuck to them. I slowly stopped eating all those foods that flipped my fat burning switch on. I not only watched (I DARED) the 20 pounds to return and they happily brought along another 5 pounds to boot.

What I did not realize then was I did not have the MIND SET to succeed. As I lost those fat pounds and got into a size 8, men were paying attention to me. Not that that has never happened before but I felt UNSAFE in my new body. And as a faithful body is so apt to do, (thank you, body) it put me in SURVIVAL MODE and I sabotaged my results.  When the pounds returned, the unwanted attention stopped. (what a relief!)

Fast forward a year and a half. I am happy in my skin, I am feeling love and gratitude and wear joy most of the time. And that same attention? Yeah. It's back. I see it has nothing to do with my body. It has everything to do what I PROJECT. And the projection of joy, peace and gratitude? IT IS ATTRACTIVE. It attracts smiles, attention, people. And that is OK (INTROVERT).

Now I know I am safe in my body. I also recognize that I only had a short term (3 months plan). When I reached my short term goal, I STOPPED DOING WHAT I DID TO GET THERE. I did not maintain it.

Image editted from original found at

As a part of healthy fat loss, it is imperative to not only have a plan, and prepare for meals, it is necessary to exercise, including weight bearing exercise of some sort PLUS put on the proper mindset.

What are some of the healthy mindsets of healthy, fit people? A fit person does not fret over food all day.  A fit person plans to exercise, and then does it. A healthy fit person plans ahead for the meals for the day, especially if on the go, so fast food (name your brand) does not become a tempting option. A healthy fit person eats every 2-3 hours to keep blood sugar stable and drinks enough water.  A fit person ACTS and THINKS fit and healthy. Hence that is what they ARE. You are what you think.

I am so ready to begin this next fat burn phase. While I wait for Ketopia to arrive, I am strapping on a more  successful mindset. I am healthy. I am fit. I am safe in my new body. I will maintain my results for a lifetime. I can do this.

So can you. Take the 10-30 Day Reset Challenge with me. Let's do it.

--Dr. Carol ND.

weight loss mind sets
self sabotage
weight loss
weight gain
you are what you think
10 day reset

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Proven Benefits of Ketosis Besides Weight Loss

Grain Brain author, Dr. David Purlmutter, had this image on his web site. I liked it so much I made my own.

Grain Brain author, Dr. David Purlmutter had this image on his web site.
I liked it so much I made my own. Get GRAIN BRAIN HERE.

Not an exact replica, but it will do to make a point:

Ketosis has many proven benefits. Weight loss is just one of them.

According to writer and experimenter, Jimmy Moore, his experience with an extended ketogenic diet provided the following health benefits: Fat loss, appetite and craving suppression, ability to fast for extended periods, mental clarity, better sleep, blood sugar stabilization,  increased strength and ability to build muscle (with weight lifting exercise), reduced inflammation, and reduced C-Reactive Protein levels in blood, as well as help for his adult acne. 1

Many of our beta testers of Ketopia** report many of the same benefits.

The National Institutes of Health has many studies published on ketosis, a ketogenic diet and disease states. One study, found at indicates that ketogenic diets in obese individuals decreased not only weight, but Body Mass Index (BMI), total cholesterol,  trigylcerides, and blood glucose "significantly." 2

Dr. David Purlmutter, on his web page with the image above, has references to National Institutes of Health for the promising effect that ketogenic diets have on Alzheimers, Parkinsons, Epilepsy, Autism, Depression and Migraines. 3

As one can clearly see, ketosis has many health benefits. Losing weight is only ONE of them.

--Dr. Carol ND. 


1. Article by Jimmy Moore dated June 5, 2013, "10 Unexpected Health benefits of Nutritional Ketosis Besides Weight Loss," Assessed Jul 29, 2015 

2. National Institutes of Health, assessed July 29, 2015: ","  Exp Clin Cardiol. 2004 Fall; 9(3): 200–205, by
Hussein M Dashti, MD PhD FICS FACS,1 Thazhumpal C Mathew, MSc PhD FRCPath and more.


**Ketopia does not treat, prevent or mitigate disease.

The FDA has not approved these statements.

KEYWORDS: ketosis, ketones, ketonic diet, health benefits ketosis, weight loss, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, epilepsy, autism, cancer.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Muscle VS Fat: The Weigh-In

We have all heard the statement, "muscle weighs more than fat." Is this really true? One pound is one pound, right? What is actually meant by this statement is that muscle takes up less room than fat; it is more dense, it has less mass than fat.

This is why one person can weigh 160 pounds and look amazing and another person can weigh the exact same thing and look obese, overweight or out of shape, depending upon body fat percentages.

Muscle & fat weigh the same; Muscle looks better

One pound of fat burns around 3kcal per hour. One pound of muscle burns around 10 kcal per hour.
Dieting and exercise may cause weight loss. But. make sure the weight you are losing is FAT not muscle.

Ketosis burns fat. Muscle burns fat.
Get off the carbs and build muscle.
Get on Ketopia's KetoniX for ketosis (in one hour of use, rather than 3 days of strict dieting). Take the 10 Day Reset Challenge. (Ask me how) Get to the gym and lift heavy weights. We cannot build muscle on the couch.

--Dr. Carol ND The NaturePath


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KEYWORDS: ketones, ketosis, fat, muscle , ketopia, ketoniX
#ketones #ketosis #ketopia #blastingfatoff #ketoniX #buildmusclelosefat