Muscle VS Fat

We have all heard the statement, "muscle weighs more than fat." Is this really true? One pound is one pound, right? What is actually meant by this statement is that muscle takes up less room than fat; it is more dense, it has less mass than fat.

This is why one person can weigh 160 pounds and look amazing and another person can weigh the exact same thing and look obese, overweight or out of shape, depending upon body fat percentages.

Muscle & fat weigh the same; Muscle looks better

One pound of fat burns around 3kcal per hour. One pound of muscle burns around 10 kcal per hour.
Dieting and exercise may cause weight loss. However, make sure the weight you are losing is FAT not muscle.

Ketosis burns fat. Muscle burns fat.
Get off the carbs and build muscle.
Get on Ketopia's KetoniX for ketosis ( in one hour of use rather than 3 days of strict dieting.) Take the 10 Day Reset Challenge. (Ask me how). Get to the gym and lift heavy weights. We cannot build muscle on the couch.

--Dr. Carol ND The NaturePath


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KEYWORDS: ketones, ketosis, fat, muscle , ketopia, ketoniX

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